Nice Guys No More
A recovery group based on No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover.
Meets every Tuesday night from 6:15 PM till 7:15 PM PST starting February 25th.
Let’s face it—you’re probably here because something’s not working; maybe a bunch of things are off. Perhaps things just hit the fan with your wife or girlfriend and you don’t know what’s next.
Perhaps it’s Sunday and you can’t imagine going back to the same career, let alone the same job, yet something inside you convinces you to stay. Pleasing people at the expense of your own needs has become a way of life and you’re still waiting for the payoff.
You might be a Nice Guy if:
You believe that your generosity is a sign of how good you are and will make other people love and appreciate you.
If a person has a problem, has a need, is angry, depressed or sad, you will frequently attempt to solve or fix the situation (usually without being asked).
Everything you do or say is at some level calculated to gain someone’s approval or avoid disapproval.
You believe you must hide your perceived flaws and mistakes.
You are convinced that if you can only figure out the right way to do everything, nothing should ever go wrong.
You tend to analyze rather than feel. You may see feelings as a waste of time and energy and frequently try to keep your feelings on an even keel.
You have made a decision at some point in your life to try to be 180 degrees different from Dad.
You frequently seek the approval of women and convince yourself you are different from other men.
You often feel that it is selfish to put your needs first. You believe it is a virtue to put others’ needs ahead of your own.
You are only happy if your partner is happy. Therefore, you will often focus tremendous energy on your intimate relationships.
Nice Guys No More
is a group for men based on the book No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover and follows a similar format to 12-step groups. However, there is no mention of God, Higher Power, or the 12 Steps. It is free, however donations may be requested to cover necessary expenses.
While Michael Zick has created this group, it is not centered around Michael as a coach and no coaching will be given. All will be equal participants.
The format will feature readings from No More Mr. Nice Guy, a lead speaker, and individual sharing.
Join us on Zoom every Tuesday night at 6:15 PM PST where we will support each other in overcoming Nice Guy Syndrome, talk about our experiences with the Breaking Free Activities, and so much more.
In Nice Guys No More, we will prove to ourselves that we don’t have to live an inauthentic life and we don’t have to do it alone.